Do you have a lot in mind? Wondering what you can build? We can do a comprehensive Bylaw review for you and show you the possibilities for and limitations of the site. All we need is the address!
A Site Feasibility Study will reveal things like permitted and discretionary uses, required setbacks, building height/width/depth restrictions, parking requirements, and maximum living area on the lot.
Our specialty is in custom home design. Everything from single to multi-family homes, from luxury estate homes to rowhousing, and even laneway homes and secondary suites. We work with you to design a unique custom home that fits your lifestyle.
Using the latest 3D modeling software, we prepare a visual representation of your home that can be viewed from all angles. With this tool, we can make on-the-fly changes and instantly show you the impact to the overall design.
If you already have a beautiful home and just want to upgrade your finishes or create additional space, we can design a plan that meets your needs and adds value to your home. Second story additions, extensions, and sunrooms are some great ways to add space to your home. We can even show you ways that you can add a secondary suite or a laneway home to bring in extra income.
We prepare a complete package of drawings needed for construction, including a site plan, elevations, floor plans, building sections, assembly details, and exterior 3D rendering. By designing your home in 3D, we can accurately communicate design ideas and reduce potential errors between different views.
Having a thorough understanding of the Calgary Land Use Bylaws, we are able to seamlessly navigate the permit application process. Let us take care of the paperwork for you! We can apply for the Development and Building permits on your behalf, liaison with the development authority, and make changes where needed to ensure the project is approved.
If the project goes before the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, we can guide you through the appeal process and provide supplemental material to strengthen your case. Graphics showing the sun path and shadowing, comparative height to adjacent buildings, and your home from different angles.